12 Jan 2022
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Planer Parts for the Western USA Territory

As of January 2022, Gilbert would like to let all our planer customers know that all Gilbert Planer part sales must be directed through Larry Rabidue and the Gilbert Parts Service line.

This is a decision we have made for the future to keep close interaction with all our customers and be able to communicate directly to the planermill people. Gilbert has a service team of 12 planer servicemen who are available 24/7 to help serve our customers.

We wish to thank our partners, Muray Latta Progressive Machine, for their efforts in promoting the Gilbert product line and providing effective parts and inventory support to the Western USA marketplace. We know they have valued the customer relationships that have been built over the years. We have involved them in this decision-making process. Effective January 1, Murray Latta, will forward Gilbert parts and sales requests received directly to Gilbert.

Planer Parts for the Western USA TerritoryPlaner Parts for the Western USA Territory