19 Oct 2020
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New Planermill Division Service and Parts Representative

Gilbert is proud to introduce Larry Rabidue, our new Planermill Division Service and Parts Representative for the Western USA and Canada. Larry has over 32 years of skills and experience accumulated as a Planer Technician and Millwright.  He also has many years of experience with the Gilbert Planer as he was the Lead Planer Millwright at Idaho Forest Group. Based in Idaho, USA, Larry will be an important bonus to our service and support team on the West Coast.

Gilbert is proud to introduce Larry Rabidue, our new Planermill Division Service and Parts Representative for the Western USA and Canada.

Larry will be available to meet with all our Gilbert Planer customers on a regular basis to help with training and after-sales support. He will also participate in all new planer installations and will be a local resource for all our new customers in the territory. He will visit customers and help promote all planer upgrades and improvements we have done over the past years.


Larry Rabidue
208 597.1683